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Teaching Trinity Communicative Skills in Mixed Ability Classes
Biennio High School: Teaching communication skills in the curricular hours

Online 09/12/2020
dalle 16:00 alle 17:30

Incontra Trinity -


In this online workshop, Biennio High School teachers with experience in preparing for Trinity’s exams, will have the opportunity to gain insights into how activities can be differentiated to engage all leaners in a mixed-ability class thereby allowing every student to effectively develop their communication skills.
In the workshop, we will demonstrate an activity aimed at preparing students for Trinity exams at levels GESE 4, 5 & 6 and ISE I (CEFR B1).


Docenti di lingua inglese della scuola secondaria di II grado (biennio) con esperienza nella preparazione di studenti agli esami Trinity

Lingua di Lavoro


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